Fitness and Exercise

Ginseng and exercise 

We have all heard the term, summer bodies are made in winter.
Easier said than done though, right?

With the colder temps and lack of sunlight motivation stoops to an all time low and our bodies naturally go into a more rested, slower state.
Getting up and moving is often harder and finding the energy to exercise is not at the top of our priorities. 

Before reaching for your 5th coffee or that synthetic pre workout, why not give ginseng powder a go! Ginseng, panax ginseng in particular offers a staggering amount of overall health benefits.
From enhanced mental clarity, to immune boosting, ginseng is the superfood you need to add to your diet this winter.

When supplementing with ginseng energy production increases at a cellular level. This results in a noticeable boost in energy.
Ginseng also has certain ergogenic properties that can improve both physical and mental performance. This is due to decreasing oxidative stress in the cells which results in less mental and physical fatigue.

Studies on both animals and humans have shown that ginseng increases the duration of exercise. For example Liang et al. reported that, in adults who do not train regularly, the consumption of  350-mg of Panax ginseng per day for 30 days improved their endurance time by more than 7 minutes and lowered their maximal blood pressure and maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) at the 24th minute during endurance cycling exercise. It was reported that panax ginseng significantly increased maximal oxygen consumption, postexercise recovery and pectoral and quadriceps strength.

For a more natural, longer lasting energy without the crash, give it a go today! 

With a dosage as little as 200 mg/day you could see improved endurance and energy levels in as little as 8 weeks. 


Carr CJ: Natural Plant Products that Enhance Performance and Endurance. 1986, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 138-192.

Kim SH, Park KS, Chang MJ, Sung JH: Effects of Panax ginseng extract on exercise-induced oxidative stress. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2005, 45: 178-182.

Breanna Woods, MS Nutrition: Panax Ginseng vs Caffeine: Which One is Better? Naked Nutrition, 2021.
Reay JL, Kennedy DO, Scholey AB: Effects of Panax ginseng, consumed with and without glucose, on blood glucose levels and cognitive performance during sustained ‘mentally demanding’ tasks. J Psychopharmacol. 2006, 20: 771-781. 10.1177/0269881106061516.

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