When you think of who ginseng is best for, what comes to mind?
You may have never considered it or you may have thought it’s one of those female things… However, ginseng has many specific health benefits for MALES.
That’s right fellas, by the end of this article you’ll be itching to try ginseng as your newest health kick!
Ginseng in general
Overall ginseng is a wonderful super food that caters to EVERYONE’S health and wellbeing needs, and is most commonly known for its energy boosting, anti inflammatory and antioxidant qualities. It really is one of those wonderful little health hacks to add into your daily intake!
What about for the men?
You’ll be excited to know that one of it’s strongest male benefits is based around the improvement of male sexual function. The main highlights of this include enhancing sexual performance including focus, stamina and blood flow, improving erectile dysfunction and improving fertility by promoting spermogenesis though neuronal and hormonal modulation (AKA helping the hormones and brain pathways do their job) (Leung & Wong, 2013).
Tell me more…
Although reducing stress and improving mood are beneficial to all genders, ginseng’s ability to do this is extremely beneficial for males. With one study showing that 84% of men admit to bottling up and suppressing their stress and emotions, which is significantly higher than their female counterparts. With this in mind, the rising societal pressures and increase in mental health struggles; a natural supplement that helps to reduce stress and anxiety and improve mood is invaluable! From a preventative and holistic approach to wellbeing, this kind of support caters to male health and wellness needs as it counterbalances the emotional suppression.
No need to tone it down
Aesthetically and functionally speaking, gaining muscle mass is a common want for many males whether it’s due to the look it creates or the ability to be stronger and fitter. Although taking ginseng wont boost your muscle mass overnight, studies have shown that ginseng supplementation can increase muscle excitation, attenuates perceived effort and accelerates recovery. These benefits are all factors that greatly contribute to increasing muscle mass and therefore help to build muscle quicker and more efficiently.
Give ginseng the benefit of the doubt
Need more be said? Ginseng is a great natural way to improve health and wellbeing, while providing many benefits and preventative measures. Although this isn’t a superfood that appeals to just one gender, it really does cater to men and show many male specific benefits of use!
ReferencesLeung, K. W., & Wong, A. S. (2013). Ginseng and male reproductive function. Spermatogenesis, 3(3), e26391. https://doi.org/10.4161/spmg.26391