Mental Health

The solution for sticking to your new year’s resolution

2023 is the place to be, and with a new year comes new year’s resolutions and the intention of bettering yourself in one way or another. The problem is, according to data, after a month only 64% of people stick to their new year’s resolutions, and after 6 months this number drops to only 46% (Discover Healthy Habits, 2022).

So how can you make a new year’s resolution last longer than just January? The good news is, if 64% of people can do it, then it’s more than possible! Here’s where you can begin:

Be realistic with your goals

A big part of the issue with resolutions is that people set either unrealistic or achievable goals based on where they are currently at in their lives! So to counteract this potential downfall, the easiest way to begin is by setting achievable and realistic goals. The SMART goal setting template is a great place to begin! 

Put compliance support in place

As the saying goes, “teamwork makes the dream work”, so find your team to cheer you on and keep you on track! Whether you rely on a best friend, partner or family member or hire someone such as a coach, having someone on your side to keep you accountable is key! 

Stay focused

Keeping your eyes on the prize can take a bit of practice, but there are some great things that can help you with this:

  1. Put your goals somewhere that you will constantly look at them (e.g. on the bathroom mirror, on the fridge or car dashboard).
  2. Nutritionally support your focus; there are some great super foods out there that help with increasing your focus such as coffee, ginseng and green tea
  3. Reward yourself; everytime you make progress, hit a milestone or goal, celebrate yourself and have a rewards system in place so that you know what you’re working towards. 

Go easy on yourself

In life the unexpected happens and although we might have an idea of how we would like our year to run, sometimes it just doesn’t work that way. This can also mean that while your new goals suited you on new year’s, they may not now, or might need some altering. It’s ok to take longer to achieve something and as long as you are making progress, no matter how slow or small you should be proud of yourself! Our human nature can make us be harsh on ourselves particularly when we aren’t living up to our own high expectations, so give yourself some grace and remember that any progress is worth being proud of.

Have a HAPPY new year

Don’t forget the word “HAPPY” when planning your new year! Especially after the last few chaotic years that we have had with covid, it’s important to remember to be happy and enjoy living your life. Yes, getting ahead and making waves with professional and financial goals are wonderful, but without focusing on your inner happiness while doing so, at the end of the day they mean nothing. So live your best year yet, be kinder and compassionate to yourself and be proud of yourself with every step of progress that you make!


Discover Healthy Habits, (2022). New year’s resolution statistics (2022 updated). Accessed on 21/12/22, <>

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