Fitness and Exercise Food and health

Tis The Season To Be Healthy

At Hello Ginseng it is no surprise that we value health as our greatest wealth, so it’s only fitting that we strive to maintain our health all year round. With the Christmas season upon us there’s no reason to fall off the bandwagon, tis the season to be healthy.

Where it falls apart

It’s very common for healthy habits and prioritising them to fall away during the silly season, with busy social schedules, extra events and celebrating, getting in good nutrition, regular exercise and enough sleep can take a backseat. It’s easy to get caught up and tired towards the end of the year and think to yourself I’ll have a health hiatus now and get back on track next year. The good news is, there’s no reason why you can’t do both, have a healthy lifestyle and still enjoy all that the holidays have to offer! 

Back to basics

Because of how easily healthy habits can fall to the side, it’s important to set some easy to stick to healthy non negotiables. These can be simple health goals that you aim to stick  to no matter what, knowing it will keep you feeling healthier and happier. Some of the main things to keep in focus include:

  • Moving your body daily – whether you’re prioritising daily walks, stretches, gym workouts or any kind of movement, your body will thank you for this!
  • Drinking enough water – making sure you get in your 2L of water daily really helps the body to function properly and stay hydrated, especially with the summer heat.
  • Getting 7 hours of sleep a night – Our body needs sleep to function, stay healthy and recover properly, poor sleep has so many negative health implications so getting enough sleep is both preventative and necessary. 
  • Eating fruit and vegetables – this habit can be easy to forget with so many festive treats, but fruit and vegetables provide so many nutrients to keep us healthy and all the systems in our body working properly. 
  • Eating all the macronutrients – getting enough protein, good fats and carbohydrates helps to keep your eating balanced and healthy to counteract the less healthier meals. Sticking to 80% good eating and 20% treats is a great way to stay on track with your health.
  • Keep up your supplements – keeping on top of your supplements and superfoods such as ginseng, probiotics and multivitamins can help give your body that extra boost it might be missing out on. Remember supplements should always supplement a healthy and balanced diet, not used in replacement of one. 

Don’t miss out on the fun

Remember Christmas only comes once a year and it’s a great opportunity to bond with loved ones, relax a little and increase your dopamine levels with fun and laughter. No one should have to miss out on the fun due to their health regime, because really how healthy is that anyway? So stick to your non negotiable health and wellness basics and equally let yourself live in the holiday spirit.

Last but not least, have a merry Christmas and wonderful holiday period from the team at Hello Ginseng!

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