Cooling Foods for Summer

With the hotter weather upon us it can be hard to stay cool, but did you know there are actually “cooling foods” that can help to keep our body’s temperature down? Keep reading as we discuss cooling foods for summer and how they work in our body.  Sounds pretty cool hey.. In traditional Chinese medicine …

Skin Health For Summer

Can you believe the summer season is here again already? With the humidity, dryness and the hot sun, looking after your skin needs to be a priority. Prevention and protection are the best approach to keep your skin happy and healthy and are some of the ways you can focus on skin health for summer.  …

The Facts on Fibre

When someone mentions fibre, you probably know what they are talking about, but truthfully most of our understanding of it is surface level. So strap right in, because by the end of this blog you will know the facts on fibre, what exactly it is, and why it’s so important for our health! What is …

Cooking with ginseng 

It’s no secret that at Hello Ginseng we love the superfood ginseng and want to share the goodness that it has to offer. Did you know that it’s a great functional food to add into your cooking? Keep reading as we go through the dos and don’ts of cooking with ginseng.  Why add ginseng into …